Father of Victim
Age: 46

William Hoover has seen quite a bit in his lifetime. Although it had been almost 5 years since his wife Lotti died, he still grieved for her. It happened so suddenly, he barely had a chance to say goodbye. Lotti was William’s world.
Although he could not understand why she’d leave the ranch to their son, John, who was 16 at the time of her death. He could come up with several reasons, but none of them made him feel any better about the situation.
The ranch he spent years growing was now in his son’s name and he needed to learn to accept that.
Many people loved John, but William knew who John truly was. He put on a facade to the people of Clinstone, and even for his wife, Mary. John acted as if he was a kind, thoughtful person when really, William knew he was manipulative and selfish.
John couldn’t hide who he was from his father.
Most days, William worked the ranch and avoided John as much as he could. Although he would check in on Mary and make sure her needs were being met. Usually, she didn’t say much. But one time, William found her crying.
Apparently, John was spending copious amounts of time in town. He wouldn’t come home until very late or even the next morning. He yelled at Mary, telling her he could spend his time as he wishes. John told her he was playing poker with the boys and she needed to stop acting so crazy.
William tried to tell Mary she could leave John. She was a beautiful, bright young woman who could have anyone she wanted. But she insisted that she loved John and they would work through it.
She was convinced that John just needed some space from her.
William’s heart hurt for the girl, she didn’t deserve what John was giving her. Just like he didn’t deserve the ranch.
It was becoming abundantly clear to William that John needed to be dealt with before he became totally out of control.
Read More About All The Other Characters Here!
Juliette Donely: Ex-Girlfriend
Alonzo Wagnon: Victim’s Ex-Best Friend