Age: 21

Juliette was tough as nails. She grew up on a ranch, taking care of the homestead with her family. She loved life on her ranch! Juliette was constantly working hard to prove to her family that she was the better choice to leave the ranch to rather than her lazy older brother, Arlo.
She was on track for proving herself to her family before she met John.
Their relationship was full of passion and love –or so she thought. Before she could tell John that she was with child –their child– he ended things with her. Telling her that he met someone new.
Juliette thought the situation couldn’t get worse. She went to her parents for solace, but they turned her away. Outraged that she would have a baby out of wedlock.
“How could you be so careless?” Her father yelled at her. “Get out!”
Now not only did Juliette need to tend to her broken heart, but she also needed to figure out how she was going to take care of her and her baby.
When Juliette tried to reach out to John, if only just for some help to get her on her feet, John told her to stay away from him. He wanted nothing more to do with her.
In Issue 14, we also find out she wrote John a letter asking him to ditch his fiance on their wedding day for her to help raise the baby. This is the letter Sheriff Todd Jenkins found:

She heard from the gossipers in town that John had proposed to Mary. In just the few months they were together, John had done more to prove his love to Mary than he had ever done for her. But she had to try one last time by asking him to do the biggest thing he could do –leave his fiance for her and their baby.
She waited at their spot well into the night, but John never showed. How could Juliette allow this to happen to herself? How did she not see who John truly was before he ruined her life completely? Juliette was going to figure out it, she had to for her baby.
Now it was just her and her son, Chet. Juliette had to do what she could to provide for them. She was not going to just sit around waiting for life to get better. They both deserved so much more.
So she began reaching out to more people in Clinstone, looking for work and help wherever she could get it. Soon, things would turn around for her and her son, she just knew it!… It had to.
Issue 15 Updates:
Juliette admitted to Sheriff Jenkins that she is in a relationship with Timothy Crandell for the last few months. According to Juliette, the two had kept it a secret because they didn’t want John to hear about it.
She insists that it’s because John wasn’t a good man. John abused his wife, Mary, and Juliette had experienced his darker side in the past.
On the morning of John’s murder, Juliette said she was at home with her son, Chet. Timothy had been there earlier that morning but left to his ranch early to begin work.
Unfortunately for Juliettte, she does not have anyone who can confirm she was home during the murder.
Read More About All The Other Characters Here!
William Hoover: Victim’s Father
Alonzo Wagnon: Victim’s Ex-Best Friend