Best Friend
Age: 22

Timothy loved his life in Clinstone! He had a great life and loved working his ranch.
Then, when he met John at one of the horse races a couple of years back, they became fast friends –heck, best friends he would even say! Both men were personable, energetic, and outgoing. It was easy to feel comfortable with John, so Timothy let him in.
With John as his best friend, it was as if things came to him even easier than before –except for Mary.
Timothy spent so long trying to work up the courage to tell Mary how he felt about her, but the second she met John she had fallen in love.
Could Timothy blame her though? John was charismatic, easy-going, and he had everything that a woman like Mary deserved. Timothy could not compare.
Although he loved John and Mary dearly, he couldn’t help but hold on to a deep bitterness for their relationship.
Timothy always dreamed of having a thriving ranch, hosting dinners with his friends, and having Mary by his side as his wife. But that dream began fading as he watched Mary and John –until one day when he witnessed the two fighting.
He didn’t hear enough to know what it was about, but Mary did not sound happy. When Timothy asked John about it, he shrugged it off saying Mary was being a bitch and not to worry about it.
John never heard another word of it and didn’t know of any more fights between them.
John and Timothy took up Poker quite a few evenings, winning a fair amount! At times, Timothy wondered if John was going out too much for having a wife back home, but he didn’t dare ask.
Truly, the duo was thriving in Clinstone. Everyone knew their names and no one disrespected them.
As happy as Timothy was though, he still held hope that one day he and Mary could be together. So as long as he was close friends with John, he could stay close to Mary too. Maybe, just maybe, she’d see that Timothy was the man she wanted…
Issue 15 Updates:
Deputy Weatherall interviews/interrogates Timothy Crandall after the Murder of John Hoover. From Timothy we learn that John is not the charming, wonderful man the town thought he was.
In fact, he paints a very different picture.
According to Timothy, John was abusive to his wife, Mary. He even recounted an instance with Festus McGill where John beat him up because he came around looking for money John ‘owed’ him. In the moment, Timothy believed his friend, but with time, he realized John was more deceptive then he knew.
Timothy never mentions his relationship with Juliette beyond friendship though… he does talk about helping her out and being there for her.
Timothy says he was at the ranch in the morning during John’s murder, however, no one on the ranch can confirm seeing him…
Read More About All The Other Characters Here!
William Hoover: Victim’s Father
Juliette Donely: Ex-Girlfriend