Childhood Best Friend
Age: 21

In his teen years, Alonzo was flying high. He and John were winning the horse races each year and people were starting to notice Alonzo – especially women.
He loved the admiration he received from Clinstonians! Although that only lasted for about two years, after he lost everything three years back. But he didn’t just lose the annual Clinstone Horse Race…his prize racehorse had died from an injury it got during the race.
Alonzo and his family were counting on the prize money from being in the top three to help save their ranch. When he lost the race, he lost his ranch shortly after.
It wasn’t long after losing his ranch that he burned through his savings. Alonzo spent a lot of his days at the saloon, drowning his sorrows in booze.
He was struggling.
Even his childhood best friend John moved on, putting all his time and focus into Juliette and then Mary. Alonzo saw John around town here and there, but it felt as if he was avoiding him.
Alonzo tried to ask him for help before he lost the ranch, but John said there was nothing he could do. His prize money was tied up in his own ranch.
Alonzo’s life was going downhill fast and there was nothing he could do. Ever since his great loss, the townspeople treated him like a parasite. Everyone turned their back on him –everyone except for Festus McGill.
Festus gave Alonzo work at the stables. Although the pay was minimal, Alonzo appreciated his kindness.
It felt as if he was the last kind person in Clinstone. He had moments of feeling like maybe things could turn around for him, but by the end of the workday, he headed back to the hotel and saloon and began to wallow in pity.
Getting out of this hole seemed impossible, so Alonzo would just have another drink about it. And then another and another until he was blacked out and stumbling to his bed. Then he would rinse and repeat the next day.
How could Alonzo turn his life around?
Read More About All The Other Characters Here!
William Hoover: Victim’s Father
Juliette Donely: Ex-Girlfriend