ISSUE 14: APRIL & MAY 2022

The Clinton Cannabis newsletter is back and jam-packed with some dank content! We’re excited to continue with the Murder Mystery: Who Killed John Hoover? We’ll go over the Sheriff’s findings before diving into Mary Hoover’s Statement. Learn more about who and why John Hoover was murdered. And don’t miss out …

October Puzzle Answers

October Sudoku Answers: October Unscrambler In this Halloween movie favourite, Scream (1996), Sidney’s best friend, Tatum, says this ironic quote before dying: “No, Please Don’t Kill Me, Mr. Ghostface, I Wanna Be In The Sequel!” October Crossword

November 2021- Issue 10

*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* *MISPRINT ALERT* On Page 2: We said the Plaid Friday is on November 29 –it is in fact on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. We have hit the double digits friends!!! How exciting?! …