Issue 24- September 2023

Looking for an update on Violet? Check out Violet’s Section of the newsletter on Pages 2 and 3. And you’ll find a Sudoku puzzle that will have you scratching your head, random facts to fascinate you, the best recipe for the perfect munchie, and much more! If you’d like to …

Issue 16- August & September

LISTEN TO VIOLET’S PLAYLIST! Never miss a newsletter again! Get it directly to your inbox by signing up for the Clinton Cannabis Newsletter Email List. Click the button below to sign up:

ISSUE 14: APRIL & MAY 2022

The Clinton Cannabis newsletter is back and jam-packed with some dank content! We’re excited to continue with the Murder Mystery: Who Killed John Hoover? We’ll go over the Sheriff’s findings before diving into Mary Hoover’s Statement. Learn more about who and why John Hoover was murdered. And don’t miss out …

December Answers

Phrase Unscrambler This quote comes from the iconic Christmas movie, Elf. The main character, Buddy the Elf, played by Will Farrell, is a Christmas fanatic and is quoted saying: “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” December Sudoku

Issue 11- January 2022

*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* New year, new possibilities! But you can count on Cynders offering the same, stellar service 😎 This month’s issue is jam-packed with exciting news, including our Birthday! As well, there is tons of Violet because we all …

Issue 08- September 2021

*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* We are pretty proud about how our newsletter is shaping up to be! We are so excited for the growing community input, and we strongly encourage more! More birthdays, more stories, more recipes…basically anything you want to …

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