*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* We are pretty proud about how our newsletter is shaping up to be! We are so excited for the growing community input, and we strongly encourage more! More birthdays, more stories, more recipes…basically anything you want to …
August 2021 Answers
Looking for answers for the Clinton Cannabis August Newsletter? Well, look no further because here they are friend!
July Answers
We sincerely apologize friends! We have done a computer switch and unfortunately lost the answers for our July Sudoku. However, we will have all the answers for our August puzzles. (WE PROMISE!)
Issue 07-August 2021
*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* We are excited to be sharing the August newsletter with you! As you know, it’s been renamed Clinton Cannabis due to the government’s rules and regulations. We’ve also had to steer away from promoting the use of …
June 2021 Answers
We are sincerely sorry…due to a computer changeover, we lost the answers to the June and July Sudoku answers. We will take future preventative measures so this does not happen again.
May 2021- Issue 03
*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* The Cynders Team is excited to share our third issue with you!April was an amazing month, but we’re certain May is going to be even better. Did you know May is chock-full of exciting days? Including May …
April 2021
April is an exciting month, not just because of Easter Weekend either. We are all looking forward to stoners’ favourite holiday, 420!
Of course, it wouldn’t be a Cynders newsletter without lots of Violet.
Our April edition is sure to entertain you, so what are you waiting for?! Read it now!