Clinton Cannabis Newsletter | March 2023

Issue 19- March 2023
Spring Green
Clinton Cannabis Newsletter: A newsletter for entertaining (stoners).
Based in Clinton, BC

ISSUE 14: APRIL & MAY 2022

The Clinton Cannabis newsletter is back and jam-packed with some dank content! We’re excited to continue with the Murder Mystery: Who Killed John Hoover? We’ll go over the Sheriff’s findings before diving into Mary Hoover’s Statement. Learn more about who and why John Hoover was murdered. And don’t miss out …

January Puzzle Answers

January Sudoku Answers January Crossword Answers Unscramble the Phrase “Now these are very silly little boots, Jones. And this is a very silly little dress. And, um, these are, fuck me, absolutely enormous panties.” -Daniel Cleaver, Bridget Jones’s Diary

Mary Hoover

Wife of VictimAge: 20 Mary is quiet and often shy. Although she is quite beautiful, she never found her confidence. She grew up in the city with her family, when her father had suddenly passed when she was fifteen. Her mother moved them up to Clinstone where her own family …

Issue 11- December 2021

Have you been waiting all year for Christmas at Cynders?? Well friend, the time is now! We have some pretty awesome things going on in both December AND January. You recall that following Christmas is is Cynders anniversary right? (On January 31 to be exact!) We have to say, between …

November 2021- Issue 10

*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* *MISPRINT ALERT* On Page 2: We said the Plaid Friday is on November 29 –it is in fact on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. We have hit the double digits friends!!! How exciting?! …