Juliette Donely

Ex-GirlfriendAge: 21 Juliette was tough as nails. She grew up on a ranch, taking care of the homestead with her family. She loved life on her ranch! Juliette was constantly working hard to prove to her family that she was the better choice to leave the ranch to rather than …

Festus McGill

Stable OwnerAge: 32 Festus was a new business owner. He had decided to take the plunge and build a stable for the people of Clinstone. Business was actually going much better than he had expected! It was more than paying the bills for him and his big family. He could …

Alonzo Wagnon

Childhood Best FriendAge: 21 In his teen years, Alonzo was flying high. He and John were winning the horse races each year and people were starting to notice Alonzo – especially women. He loved the admiration he received from Clinstonians! Although that only lasted for about two years, after he …

William Hoover

Father of VictimAge: 46 William Hoover has seen quite a bit in his lifetime. Although it had been almost 5 years since his wife Lotti died, he still grieved for her. It happened so suddenly, he barely had a chance to say goodbye. Lotti was William’s world. Although he could …

Timothy Crandell

Best FriendAge: 22 Timothy loved his life in Clinstone! He had a great life and loved working his ranch. Then, when he met John at one of the horse races a couple of years back, they became fast friends –heck, best friends he would even say! Both men were personable, …

January Puzzle Answers

January Sudoku Answers January Crossword Answers Unscramble the Phrase “Now these are very silly little boots, Jones. And this is a very silly little dress. And, um, these are, fuck me, absolutely enormous panties.” -Daniel Cleaver, Bridget Jones’s Diary

Mary Hoover

Wife of VictimAge: 20 Mary is quiet and often shy. Although she is quite beautiful, she never found her confidence. She grew up in the city with her family, when her father had suddenly passed when she was fifteen. Her mother moved them up to Clinstone where her own family …

John Hoover

VictimAge: 23 years old John thought the world of himself, and why shouldn’t he? He was the cowboy who had it all. He had such an amazing life because he made it happen. Well, aside from the land his ranch was on. That he inherited from his dear mother, Lotti …

Issue 11- December 2021

Have you been waiting all year for Christmas at Cynders?? Well friend, the time is now! We have some pretty awesome things going on in both December AND January. You recall that following Christmas is is Cynders anniversary right? (On January 31 to be exact!) We have to say, between …

November 2021- Issue 10

*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒* *MISPRINT ALERT* On Page 2: We said the Plaid Friday is on November 29 –it is in fact on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. We have hit the double digits friends!!! How exciting?! …