*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒*
[Looking for September Puzzle Answers? CLICK HERE]
We are nearly at the double digits for our newsletter, how exciting?! That means we are just a few months shy of celebrating one year…woo hoo!!🎉🎉
Anyways, we are pleased to share out October Issue of Clinton Cannabis. Featuring some fantastic new pipes and sharing some of Violet’s wise words, we are certain you’re going to love this issue! Of course, also we have some great puns, the classic sudoku, and much more entertainment.
May your October be filled with reasons to be thankful and plenty of tricks and treats.
PS- If you know someone with a November Birthday and would like to give them a shoutout, be sure to send us an email! As well, we’d love to get your go-to stoner recipe, a funny stoner story (or three?), or even stoner hacks –heck, we just want some stoner content from our stoner community.
If you’ve got something, just click the button below:
Without further ado, we give you October: