Come Celebrate With Us Saturday, February 1 from Noon to 3 pm!
*Scroll to the bottom to see our full Partner and Donor list!*
As a way to celebrate BIG, we decided for our 5th Anniversary, we wanted to giveback 😁
Focused on ‘Family’ and ‘Community’, we present our: FAMILY WINTER CARNIVAL
Open to ALL ages and completely FREE -aside from the LOCAL Farmer’s Market Vendors with AMAZING homemade goods.
Bring your family to Reg Conn Park and enjoy Chili (made by us) with Bannock made by the incredible Bannock Warriors!
Make sure to dress in your winter gear and be prepared for the weather conditions. Snow or shine, the event will go on –only severe weather could change the plans.
There will be door prizes the adults/parents can enter to win (for free!) and there will be prizes for the children at the activity stations!
It’s going to be an incredible afternoon, right here in Clinton. All because of all the local businesses, organizations, and event community members reached out to participate and/or donate! –Truly, we are completely awed by the amount of support our communities have shown for this event.
Keep coming up to see any new updates as we finalize all the details.
Activities To Enjoy:
- Free Chili (Cynders)
- Free Bannock (Bannock Warriors)
- Farmer’s Market Vendors (Local Vendors) -Paid HOMEMADE Goods Avaliable
- Hot Chocolate & Coffee (WorkBC)
- Snow Painting/ Add to the Giant Caterpillar (Cynders)
- Team Ski Challenge (Cynders)
- Frozen Bubbles (Cynders)
- Mini Petting Zoo (Mayday Homestead)
- Bean Bag Toss (Integris)
- S’mores (Integris)
- Cotton Candy (Nomad Motel)
- Balloons & Darts (Whispering Pines Indian Band)
- Police Cruiser (Clinton RCMP)
- Tow Truck (Steve’s Towing)

Check out all the DONATED Door Prizes!
*Donations are STILL being updated as more is picked up in the last few days!*
Local businesses and organizations from Clinton, 70 Mile House, 100 Mile House, Cache Creek, and Ashcroft kindly donated many incredible prizes to give away at the Family Carnival.
We are so incredibly thankful to the generosity of our communities, it’s truly amazing!
Without all the local support this event wouldn’t be as extrodinairy 🤩

Event Partners:

The Bannock Warriors are Partnering and Donating Bannock to serve with Cynders’ Chili at the event.
We greatly appreciate their Partnership and Donation!

Integris is bringing two activity stations with prizes to the Family Winter Carnival.
We look forward to having you at the event!

Mayday Homestead is bringing a Mini Petting Zoo for everyone to enjoy some adorable critters.
We’re looking forward to bringing more furry friends!

Mile High Bounce from 100 Mile House is bringing Inflatable Axe Throwing to the Carnival!
We’re thrilled they are attending!

Ink Killer is bringing a Booth to the event. At their booth you will find stickers and much more custom creation gear.
We are excited to have them at the event!

Steve’s Towing is bringing a Big Rig Tow Truck to see and kids can ask their questions.
We’re looking forward to having you at the event!

The Clinton RCMP are making a special appearance at the Winter Carnival (incoming calls depending!).
We are thrilled to have our local RCMP attend!

Whispering Pines Indian Band (Clinton & Kamloops) are bringing fun activites and prizes.
As well, they donated a Door Draw Prize.
We’re very excited they’re attending and so thankful for their donation!
Event Donors:

High Bar First Nation was sad they could not attend the event in person, but they kindly donated several beautiful items for the Adult Door Prize Draws.
Thank you so much for your donation and support!

The TNRD Library in Clinton donated a big box of books for us to use for sation prizes for kids.
Thank you for your generous donation!

70 Mile General Store donated 2 Gift Certificates to our Door Prize Draw.
Thank you so much for your generosity!

Canco in Clinton, BC, kindly donated cash to help pay for the ingredients for Chili.
Thank you so much for your support!

The Clinton Quilters Club donated a beautiful quilt to give away as a door prize.
It’s an incredible donation, thank you so much!

Donnex Pharmacy and Department Store donated a bag of items to include in our door prizes.
Thank you so much for your kind donation!

Anie’s Pizza & Bakery kindly donated a Gift Certificate to add to our Door Prizes.
Thank you so much for your kind donation!