*Some pages have been deleted since apparently, it goes against government rules 😒*
We sincerely apologize for the delay in getting our July newsletter out. However, we have heard back from the inspector and they have given us the GREEN LIGHT!! (YAY!!!!)
Only a few months in and our newsletter has received a facelift and a new name. Yes, we did change the name due to government rules and regulations, but we are quite the fans of the end result. And we hope you are too! 😁
We are still looking for people to send in BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUTS and STONER STORIES! 🙏
So please, if you know anyone with an August birthday or an awesome story from when you were stoned, email them to jordan@cyndersinc.com
Our hopes are to grow this into a fun cannabis community newsletter with all you fabulous people.
So without further ado, we present our July Newsletter to you: